EHCP Annual Reviews
Annual review meetings
What happens in an annual review meeting?
There is no set format to an annual review meeting, but it must focus on the child or young person's progress towards achieving the outcomes specified in the EHC plan, and on what changes might need to be made to the support that is provided to help them achieve those outcomes, or whether changes are needed to the outcomes themselves (Sections E and F).
Parents, children and young people should be supported to fully engage in the annual review meeting. If you don't feel like you have been listened to you can contact the LA to make your views, wishes and feelings clear.
Who should be at the annual review meeting?
Reviews are generally most effective when led by the educational institution. They know the child or young person best, will have the closest contact with them and their family and will have the clearest information about progress and next steps. The following people should be invited and given at least two weeks notice of the annual review meeting:
- The child’s parents or young person
- a representative of the school or other institution attended
- a local authority SEN officer
- a health service representative
- a local authority social care representative
- other individuals relevant to the review, including youth offending teams and job coaches where relevant
If you feel like there is another relevnact individual who should be invited to the annual review meeting you can request this. These individuals do not have to attend the meeting, but they should all be asked for information and advice which must be circulated to everyone invited to the meeting at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.
If you are not given at least two weeks notice, or if information is not circulated at least two weeks before the meeting you can ask to postpone the meeting so the procedure can be carried out properly.